This funny-sad-maddening-attention-getting satirical infomercial (with a real phone number, call it) crossed the NY Times opinion section yesterday. Here’s the full piece. Watch it because it’s important. And watch it too for your work as a communicator. Satire is often a powerful way to bring attention to something very serious—especially when humor and deeper information are effectively linked. That’s the case here. The video lists several (and the column lists 39) instances in 2018 where black people were reported to the cops for everyday activities. The video, while satirizing the infomercial form, explains that black people in the US are more likely to be arrested and convicted—and also serve longer sentences—than white people.

Made me smile, made me grrrrr
Here are some things from the world of design, user experience, and marketing that made me smile this week – and a couple that made me grrrrrrrr (not a verb but you know what I mean.)
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