LinkedIn is a pretty powerful part of a digital marketer’s toolkit—especially when you consider an integrated marketing approach that ties everything together and leverages every ounce of communication juice a company has. That’s because LinkedIn can be used by the people in your organization to strengthen their own personal and professional networks and therefore your company’s—especially if you arm them with the right stuff/words/attitude. (BTW, here’s just one way I personally use LinkedIn—lots of good examples there, scroll down for mine if you like.) A big aspect of how people use LinkedIn is who they choose to connect to. Yesterday I actually removed a couple of connections. They’re people I’ve never actually met and they seemed to be connected to EVERYONE. And invariably when I’d search for somebody I wanted to meet, there these two people would be as my possible connection. I found myself never asking to be connected through them—either choosing another route or seeking a direct connection. So I deLinked. It felt good. I might be doing more of it.
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I seem to have accidentally chosen facebook over linked-in. and also sort of accidentally decided to use only one of these social networking thingies – so actively resisting linked in and others.
but maybe i made a mistake. would you advise one over the other? or both (it’s fine to advise this, atlhough I probalby won’t do it)? that function in linked-in sounds cool – although I haven’t really used these tools in that way.
gk… linkedin and facebook are good for different things. i could live without facebook whereas linkedin has made a material difference to my networking. yet so many people are on facebook it’s a bit hard to ignore.. i find it useful as a mini publishing platform. also several old-old friends have found me thru it (vs. linkedin) and that’s nice. btw.. i got a spanish sim card today in an Orange store right next to an Oxfam store.