Made me smile, made me grrrrr

Here are some things from the world of design, user experience, and marketing that made me smile this week – and a couple that made me grrrrrrrr (not a verb but you know what I mean.)

Perfectly Simple Digital Device

I bought an automatic timer for the garden. I have bought others before and to say their user-interfaces are confusing is being very kind. But this one is so simple. Like so simple. I feel so often designers (big culprit: public toilet paper dispensers) never actually use their products let alone ask anyone if they can easily use them. These designers clearly did! BTW I bought at Grow West and the brand is Orbit.

Dropbox’s Illustrations

I have been noticing these lately. They are scattered across their digital communications. I just got a newsletter from them with these drawings. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Harmonic Convergence: Guitar Tuna and Spotify

I love when brands come together to benefit both parties. Especially when it’s kind of both surprising and then immediately obvious. That’s actually a variant of my definition of creativity from a long (loooooooooong) time ago — when something makes you think “how’d they think of that?” but then it’s like it was always there and should always have been there. Anyway, here’s one: Guitar Tuna is an amazing app for tuning your guitar. It’s so satisfying to use it’s actually fun when the guitar goes out of tune. It also includes chords and lyrics for songs to play. And now…. you can connect to what you listen to on Spotify to play those songs.

Headscratchy LinkedIn User Interface

Does option 3 cancel out my choices for options 1 and 2? Don’t make me think so hard LinkedIn? I’m busy.

Assaultive Gas Station Advertising

I think the only time a couple stood together and watched an ad at a gas station was to make this photo for this website. I got gas at Speedway this week and the ad was so loud (and there was no way to turn it down) that I will seriously consider switching gas stations next time.

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