Time (as in the magazine) has named Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg its person of the year.Zuckerberg is, in some ways, the Henry Luce of our age. Luce, founder of Time Magazine (and Time, Inc.) revolutionized media in his era as Zuckberberg is doing in our era. Proving just how important media ownership can be, Luce became one of the wealthiest people in the U.S.Interesting parallel: Luce co-founced Time, Inc. (with Briton Hadden) when both were 23 years old.BTW… here’s an interesting Time article from a few months ago on what Luce might have made of the digital age.
Made me smile, made me grrrrr
Here are some things from the world of design, user experience, and marketing that made me smile this week – and a couple that made me grrrrrrrr (not a verb but you know what I mean.)
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