Down Home Advice for Online Community Builders

I must have walked past this sign/poster thousands of times and simply not paid attention to it before. It is behind the glass on the noticeboard of a community ministry in my neighborhood of Noe Valley — in San Francisco. I’m posting because  I talk to so many corporate marketers who are frustrated that their online community building efforts are not taking off. And when I look closely at their communities, I see that they are so focused on the “online” and they so often forget the “community” … and, in the end, so many basic tenets of “plain old community building” as described in this poster, just are not present.  I will likely write more about this in the future, but for now just think about how your company or organization can do its version of the acts the poster calls for. What does it mean for you to, for example, “sit on your stoop” or “find a lost dog” or “help carry something heavy” ? If your corporate communications goals include having a vibrant community, this sign is worth reading and thinking about.

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